Friday, 3 February 2012

Front Page Draft

Now that I have gained a clear understanding and idea of the images I intend to use and the layout/format of the front page I have begun to experiment with fonts in creating The Sun logo for the cover and have drafted my initial idea for the start of the article. Typically, the article begins on the front page and then continues onto the double spread; enticing and the audience and engaging with the reader, leaving them wanting more. Below, is my first draft of the logo and text for the article.
 I feel as if for a first attempt at the logo this was successful. After scanning into the computer a copy of The Sun I then used a variety of fonts, word design and colour schemes to replicate the logo exactly and as close to the original as possible.
This is my initial draft for the text of the front page. I have tried to maintain the format of The Sun by using a text box, typical conventions and a similar tone and language format. The first piece of text must be brief, concise and engage with the reader.

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