Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Sun

Codes and Conventions:
The Sun is notorious for its 'kiss-and-tell' approach to news; prioritising gossip before pure, factual documentation of current events; ex reality TV contestants, footballers and actresses are amongst the targets that are often deconstructed.
Front Page:
The Front Page of The Sun is image based; the context of a front page headline is limited with large fonts and pictures dominating the page. The A3 sheet uses colours, large header fonts and relevant images. The page as a whole follows a specific format with the layout being functional for the audience so that all of the information and articles can be seen/previewed. A small taster is shown of varying articles to entice the
audience and the second dominating factor on the page (apart from the picture(s).

- Image dominates the front page (normally a glamour model, something to appeal to maile instincts/shallow related)
- Football/sport related article or preview
- Large dominating font
- The Sun logo
- Colour font or images
- Small, snippets of text
- Overall, the images to text balance is around 75% image based to 25% text based. this reflects the target audience of males and females whom are interested in subjective elements of society such as sport, celebrity scandals and showbiz.

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