Sunday, 5 February 2012


Now that the layout, format and use of images has been fully analysed in order to completely replicate the design of my style model the use of the correct language is imperative. Each Sun article begins with a brief introductory paragraph (in bold) which entices, grabs and engages with the audience. The article then progresses onto details on the scandal; hence, a possible timeline of the night's events, interviews from sources, and information which puts the article into context - details on the celebrity's livlihood so the whole audience can identify with the article and relate to it, even if they neccessarily hadn't heard of 'Cindy Dean' before.

- Introductory paragraph; opening sequence. Setting the scene (continued from the front page), text/bold font and approximately 6 lines. This must have a scandalous tone and shock audiences into continuing reading the article. 
- Context paragraph; for those who haven't heard of 'Cindy Dean', this small paragraph will give background information and depth to the article so that readers can acknowledge her and the grief she has from losing her father. This will be emotive, exaggerating her party lifestyle and socialite status.
- Events paragraph; this will outline her night as she deteriorated on her club and bar crawl through Mayfair, sub headings such as 'Intoxicated' will further enhance her 'out of control' nature and there will be quotes from confidential 'sources' who were with her. This will be the bulk of the paragraph and I will add further features such as Tweets from her and a Map tracing where she partied throughout Mayfair.
-'Concern' paragraph; this final short piece will highlight the concern of her friends and family about how she has 'gone off the rails' and is struggling to cope with the loss of her father by turning to alcohol and drugs.

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